The high-end Varjo Aero headset is no longer available for purchase directly from the Varjo webstore.
Initially, the Varjo webstore page indicated that the product was out of stock, but now the page is no longer accessible. Customers are instead redirected to reseller offers.
When contacted, Varjo confirmed that they have permanently sold out their webstore inventory for Varjo Aeros. However, the headset is still available through selected resellers worldwide, and Varjo will continue to support Aero until the end of 2025. The company is now focusing on manufacturing the XR-4 series of headsets, which are their latest professional-grade virtual and mixed-reality devices, announced in November 2023.
Varjo Aero was the first consumer-oriented VR headset from the Finnish company, launched in 2021. It still offers one of the highest resolution PC VR headset displays in the market, with 2,880 x 2,720 pixels per eye, making it ideal for sim fans with powerful computers.
The headset was initially priced at $2,000 (excluding base station and VR controller). In September 2023, Varjo cut the price in half, seemingly to clear out inventory.